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Treated and Cured Hundreds of Patients.
Get Appointments in Minutes. Open 24x7 on Service.
We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health
Kalamkar Multispeciality
Hospital & Research Institute

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Our hospital is premier institution designed to deliver health care
system to patients at low and affordable cost.
We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health
Best Multi Speciality Hospital
Located in Nagpur

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Spreading the footprints of Multi-Specialty Healthcare.
Accessible and Affordable to People.
We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health
Specialized Hospital
With a Human Touch!
Welcome To Kalamkar Multispeciality Hospital & Research Institute, Nagpur.
This hospital is premier institution designed to deliver health care system to patients at low and affordable cost. There are facilities like pathology, digital x-ray, ultrasound, ECG, TMT and ECHO under one roof. This saves the time and patient does not have to go from one place to other for investigations with the result. At the end of the day all the reports are ready and patient goes home with final diagnosis and appropriated. This is therefore very useful for outstation patients who find it difficult to go from one center to other. This is a multispecialty hospital where the treatment from every specialist is available under one roof.
We manage all the patients of medicine including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, TB, fever, abdominal problem, neurology, gynecological, surgical and orthopedic problem. Our special interest is in HIV, as the expertise in this field is not common. We admit, treat and operate HIV positive patients or those who are suffering from AIDS. We used to have regular clinical meeting where most of our cases used to be presented.
Meet our team
Specialist Doctors
Dr. R.B. Kalamkar
M.D. (Medicine), Consulting Physician, Cardiologist Dialectologist, Skin & V.D. Specialist.
Our Departments
- Medicine and Cardiology
- All Surgical Branches
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Pediatric and Neonatology
- General Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Neuro-Surgery
- Dermatology and Venerology
- Urology
- Nephrology
- Plastic Surgery
- Oncology and Onco-Surgery
- Pathology
- Pulmonology
- Laporoscopic Surgery Including
- Gynecological Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Physiotherapy
- Radiology
- Neurology
Diagnosis with Precision
Our mission is to provide precise and top quality healthcare for our patients through advanced technology and unsurpassed service at affordable prices. Our facilities are furnished with state-of-the-art computerized equipments which allow our highly trained, professional medical technologists to conduct fully automated examinations. We also have reputable physicians in different fields of specialization who are available for consultation.
General Surgery
The Division of General Surgery provides comprehensive surgical consultation and care in many subspecialties including colon and rectal surgery, trauma and burn, pediatric surgery, endocrine surgery, bariatric surgery and multidisciplinary hepato-biliary pancreas surgery. Our skilled surgeons are fellowship trained in various specialties and many are renowned in the central India and across the country.