Medicine and Cardiology
- Computerized ECG
- Computerized TMT
- 2 D ECHO
- Nebulizer
- Portavent {Ventilator to tackle the Emergency}
- Bed side monitor
- Fully equipped ICC & ICCU
- Central monitoring
- Pulse oxymetry
- Central oxygen
- Defibrillator
All Surgical Branches
- Fully equipped air conditioned Operation Theater, equipped with
- Hydrolic Operation Table
- Orthopedic Operation Table
- Suctuion Machine
- Cautery Machine
- Central Oxygen and Central Nitrogen
- Anesthesia machine
- Sterilizer
- Operating microscope
- High pressure autoclave
- Necessary instruments for all types of surgery
- Cysto-scope
- ENT drill
- Mobile X-Ray Machine
- Pluse oxymeter
- Ventilator Etc.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Fully equipped air conditioned Labor Room
- Fetal Monitor
- Neonatal weighing machine
Pediatric and Neonatology
- PBU equipped with Photo-therapy unit
- Warmer
- Ventilator
General Surgery
All major surgeries are performed including Thoracotomy, GI Surgeries etc.
Orthopedic Surgery
All orthopedic surgeries are performed including Elisa Rov, Joint Replacement Spine Surgery including cervical spine with Anterior as well as posterior approach etc.
All cases of head injury and spinal cord injury, tumors of CNS etc are operated here, including endoscopic neuro-surgery.
Dermatology and Venerology
All skin diseases are treated including cauterization of warts, molluscum, etc.
- Cystoscopy
- Nephrostomy
- Arrangement for lithotripsy etc.
Kidney Biopsy, Peritoneal Dialysis and arrangement for hemo-dialysis and kidney transplant.
Indoor facilities for Psychiatry patients.
Plastic Surgery
All procedures in plastic surgery are performed, we are treating patient of burns.
Oncology and Onco-Surgery
Specialist and facilities available to treat the patients of all types of cancer. Chemotherapy & surgical operations on cancer patient are done.
Round the clock, all 24 hours service is available due to availability of technicians and pathologist who are operating Erbachem 5, (Semi- automatic analyzer) for all bio-chemistry. Hemolab-8 for computerized complete blood count Microscope, Centrifuge Machine, Oven and Incubator, Automatic pipettes, Glucometer etc.
We have facilities to deal with patients of chest diseases and we have facilities for bronchoscopy, lung functions, pulse oxymetry etc.
We have 300 MA X-Ray machine for routine x-rays and radiological procedures like IVP, MCU, Barium study, HSG etc. and 60 MA mobile machine specially used for ICCU patients who are too ill to be shifted toradiology department and for operation theater especially orthopedic surgery etc.
We are regularly managing patients of neurological problems like cerebro-vascular episodes, venous thrombosis, various types of Coma and we have regular neuro-physicians on our panel to have their opinion. We can get CT scan of the patient done and so is the MRI.
We are having facilities to treat patients of ENT problems and we have regular ENT surgeons who are looking after OPD and indoor patients and perform operations on them. The necessary equipment’s needed like audiometry, ENT drill, operating microscope and endoscope are available with us.
Laporoscopic Surgery Including Gynecological Surgery
We are having facilities to investigate, treat and operate by laporoscopy and fully trained laporoscopic general surgeon and gynecologist are available.
Pediatric Surgery
We are having facilities to undertake pediatric surgery and we are having pediatric surgeon with us to operate on infants and neonates.
We are having facilities to provide physiotherapy and various appliances like artificial limb, etc.